Organizing Your Own Family Camping Holidays

Family camping holidays with dads and kids will create friendships and memories that last a lifetime

Dads and Kids Camping Weekend is more than just another activity for the warm months. It has become a tradition for hundreds of families and what it means to the kids, their dads and their moms is immeasurable. These family camping holidays are something that the kids anxiously await each year. They create great memories that will remain with them for their entire lives and have resulted in friendships that they would otherwise not have made or maintained.

Just two days of hanging out with the guys, sharing good conversation, breathing the fresh forest air, enjoying a few cocktails and perhaps a good cigar. Imagine, no one to tell you what to do… or what not to do. This isn’t one of your traditional family camping holidays… in short, it’s your weekend (probably the only one you’ll get each year) to do whatever you please.

The only catch is that you have to remember that you’ve brought your kids along with you, so it’s not all “college weekend” again. But, beyond getting a little food into them each day and ensuring they’re not eaten by a big old raccoon, you’re on vacation!

The cost of a Dads & Kids Camping Weekend

From a cost standpoint, there is nothing you could do with your kids that offers more “bang for the buck.” Other family camping holidays can cost hundreds, but the entire family cost of a camping weekend, excluding food, is around $60. That includes shirts, site and entertainment, no matter how many kids a dad brings.

If you have never camped before, you should know that campers are some of the most friendly and helpful people on the planet. Families share equipment, food, and tasks—such as setting up the tents. Don’t let your lack of experience in the art of camping deter you.

So, as the Nike ad says, “Just Do It!” You will be making possible a terrific experience for many dads, kids and moms (who we hope are relaxing at the spa this weekend). And the personal satisfaction you will derive from bringing some good to others is all the motivation you’ll need to repeat the performance the following year and for many years thereafter.

If you’ve been paying attention and you’re ready to start organizing your own Dads & Kids Camping Weekend, I’ve got a step-by-step 45-page handbook for you. My kids are all grown up now, so it’s time to pass the torch! Read more about my Dads & Kids Camping Handbook.


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