DIY Printable Games for Your Next Camping Trip

Want to avoid any murmurs of “I’m bored” on your next camping trip? Add these printable games to your camping checklist! Simply print them out and take them with you — they’re about as easily packable as they come, and they’re fun too! 

Tabletop Curling 


Your picnic table can be used for so much more than eating. Find some plastic bottle caps and turn your table into a curling arena. Try to see who can score the most points by flicking the bottle caps across the table and landing them on the goals. 

Lawn Battleship

You can play traditional Cornhole on your camping trip, or you add a fun twist. In this take on the classic Battleship game, you place your battleships in the grass and try to land beanbags (or whatever you have available) on them for points.  

Pin the Face on the Tree 


After you’ve found some good campfire sticks, find a good, thick tree to play “Pin the Face on the Tree.” In this game modeled after “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” you should blindfold yourself and try to tape these eyes, noses and mouths to make funny faces on trees. Whoever creates the best face wins! 

Targeted Dodgeball


If you have a large group, try playing targeted dodgeball. In this twist on the classic game, you cut out the red and green targets and tape them to your clothes. If others hit your green target, they score extra points. If they hit your red target, they automatically lose. 

For more inspiration on what to do on your next camping trip or picnic, check out these family-friendly outdoor games. Also check out my 45-page Dads & Kids Camping Handbook before planning your next outdoor adventure! 


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