Campfire Games for Kids That Rock
Campfire games that will break the ice and get kids excited about camping
Kids can be downright bratty. And when kids get bratty, dads get crabby. When this happens, remember that mom is back home relaxing, maybe with her girlfriends, maybe with a glass of wine—and she doesn’t want a phone call during Dads & Kids Camping Weekend. It’s up to you to keep the troops in line.
Luckily, when you’re camping in a group, there are lots of kids. Not every kid camping can be bratty all at the same time right? One great way to get the kids together (and smiling) is to launch a round of campfire games.
Remember, when one kid thinks the campfire games are uncool, everyone else follows suit. If your kid is uninterested in campfire games, be sure to remind them not to spoil the fun for everyone else with their sour puss. Once they see the laughing and fun, they’ll be sure to join in and you can return to kicking back with the other dads.
Chinese Whispers Campfire Game
Chinese Whispers, or “Telephone” is the most popular of the campfire games. The first player starts out with a phrase and whispers it to the person on their left. This keeps going on around the circle until the phrase reaches the last person. The last person announces the phrase to the whole group, and hilarity generally ensues as inaccuracies and jokes are inserted along the way.
Clapping Campfire Games
In this game, players clap their hands and then slap their legs in a rhythm. In the order of the alphabet, the first person names a place starting with the letter A. The next person in the rhythm of clapping and slapping needs to name a place starting with the letter B. This goes on and on. When one of the kids makes a mistake, either with the name of the place or the rhythm of the clapping and slapping, he or she is “out”. The last child left is the winner.
I Spy Campfire Game
One child starts by secretly looking around and finding something to “spy”. Let’s say it’s the campfire. The child will say, “I spy, with my little eye, something that’s _______”. The child might say that it’s hot, or that it’s orange. The campers then get to guess until they get enough clues to figure out what the object is.
Twenty Questions Campfire Game
Similar to I Spy, this campfire game starts with a child choosing any object. It can be a person, place or thing. The campers get to ask 20 yes or no questions before the child will reveal what the object is. If a camper guesses before the 20 questions are up, they get to be the one answering questions next.
Catch Me Wink Campfire Game
Hand your kids small pieces of paper after making them sit in a circle. Write the word “Winker” on one of the papers. The lucky child who gets the “Winker” paper gets a chance to wink at any other child.
The child who gets winked at has to play dead. The winker gets “out” when the other kids in the group catch him winking. The game can continue until only 2 kids are left, and then they are declared winners.
Books for more campfire games
The Official Book of Campfire Fun is a good deal for any dad looking to get their kids huddled around a campfire. According to the description:
“Guidance is offered for selecting a location; creating wax fire-starters (with adult guidance); and building, burning, and dousing campfires. Tips for seating, singing, cooking, storytelling, and conducting science demonstrations are included; fire, hatchet, knife, and cooking safety are given good coverage. Special features include making cooking utensils out of green wood, identifying night sounds, observing and identifying creatures by the shape and glow of their eyes, and both beautiful and silly songs complete with guitar cords.”
Another good book is Mac King’s Campfire Magic, which features:
“Dozens of easy-to-learn magic tricks and stunts, with a focus on feats that can be performed with rope, hats, bandannas, knives, coins, twigs, and anything else found around the campfire.”
For more entertaining ideas, check out funny campfire songs for kids.
If you need more ideas for keeping kids entertained during your Dads & Kids Camping Weekend—including renting an ice cream truck or hiring magicians—download my 45-page Dads & Kids Camping Handbook.