3 Funny Campfire Games for Kids
Keep kids entertained with these three funny campfire camps for kids of all ages
If you thought party games were only for baby showers and that you would never have to think of silly things to do in order to entertain a group — think again. When you plan a Dads & Kids Camping Weekend, you know that the more structured you are, the more fun and memorable it will be.
Campfire games for kids: Age 2-4
Finding Shapes
Tell your kids to find shapes in the stars, clouds, in the sky. Spread a blanket and simply ask them to lie on their backs. Encourage them to point out different shapes like animals, fruits or faces from whatever they’re looking at.
Make this game competitive by setting rules or offering a prize to the child who comes up with the most number of shapes in a given time period.
Campfire games for kids: Age 4-6
Catch Me Wink
Hand your kids small pieces of paper after making them sit in a circle. Write the word “Winker” on one of the papers. The lucky child who gets the “Winker” paper, gets a chance to wink at any other child.
The child who gets winked at has to play dead. The winker gets “out” when the other kids in the group catch him winking. The game can continue until only 2 kids are left, and then they are declared winners.
Campfire games for kids: Age 6-100
Artist, Model, and Clay Game.
This game can be played with 3 children, one after the other. Any of the 3 kids is chosen to be the artist, another is chosen to be the model, and finally the last child will be the clay.
The artist is blindfolded and the model is asked to make a pose. The child who is the clay leads him to the model. The artist now touches the model and figures out the pose.
The artist wins when he makes the clay pose same as the model. The kids alternate their roles and the child with the most number of wins ultimately wins the game.
If you want to learn more about how to start and organize your own Dads & Kids Camping Weekend, check out my 45-page Dads & Kids Camping Handbook.